Kids Craft

Christmas movies to binge watch!

We hope you had an amazing Christmas with your family! But the holiday season is not over yet, so is your preschoolers’ break and here we are again with some Christmas movie suggestions for your toddlers! Your child may watch it in one stretch or watch it bit by bit over 2-3 days. Let’s get straight to the movies now! 1. Scrooge: A Christmas Carol (2022) The story is based on one of the most loved literature by Charles Dickens. The main character, Scrooge, revisits the...


We’re back with more Christmas ideas!

Did your toddler have fun making the Christmas craft ideas we had suggested in our previous blog? We hope you are all set to celebrate Christmas. Well, we are back with more suggestions to engage your preschooler. But this time we have included a couple of snack ideas which you can try with your toddler. Without any further delay, let’s get into it! 1. Strawberry Santa This is going to be an exciting experience for your child. The process is easy and quick. You will need ● Strawberries ●...


Let’s welcome the holiday season!

Christmas is around the corner and the festive season is setting in right! Your preschoolers’ holiday must have started and you must be already thinking about how to keep them engaged at home through the break! As we always say, we have got you covered! Remember the mantra, involve your children in all the processes. Be it making or buying gifts for family or baking a cake for the season. Christmas is all about celebrating life and expressing your love and...


A walk through nature!

Winter is here, and the weather is just perfect to take a stroll out in nature with your little one. Nature is often an underrated environment considered by parents to entertain their children. Children are the happiest when outdoors, especially when they are surrounded by the lush green of trees. A lot of learning can happen through outdoor explorations. Nature calms children down andthis can be channelized effectively to develop their skills.Toddlers gather understanding of the world through sensorimotor engagements....


What are you thankful for?!

Thanksgiving is a festival celebrated in almost ten countries across the globe. It is one of the most looked forward to holidays in the U.S and Canada. Thanksgiving kick starts the holiday season, which is followed by Christmas and New Year. As the name suggests, Thanksgiving is observed to give thanks for the blessings of the harvest and the preceding year. It has long been celebrated as a secular holiday. Every year it is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November....


Cotton it is!

It is observed that climate plays a major role in choosing your fabrics and clothing. We are living in a time where there is a new kind of fabric being created every other day! From the good old cotton to fabric made of hemp, options are vast and as a consumer, it can be challenging to make the right choice, especially when it comes to your child’s clothing! When a baby is born we make sure that they are wrapped in...


World Science Day!

World Science Day is celebrated on the 10th of November every year. The theme for this year’s World Science Day was ‘Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development. Did you know that children absorb and understand the concepts of science naturally from a very young age? The very reason why they throw things is their way of understanding the idea of gravity! Yes, you heard it right. They realize that whatever they are throwing is not going up but is being pulled...


Fun with Loose Parts!

“As long as materials can be moved, redesigned, put together,and taken apart in a variety of ways, they are classifiedas loose parts.” Simon Nicholson, 1971Founder of the idea of Loose Parts What are Loose Parts? As Simon Nicholson defines, loose parts are open ended materials which can be used in multiple ways and not just put to one particular use. Their use is not predetermined or pre-set. This can be your beads, sequins, ribbons, curtain clips, popsicle sticks, leaves, twigs, flowers, coconut shells,...


How to engage your preschooler at home?

Engaging a preschooler at home can be challenging, especially when both parents are juggling their personal and professional life. We tend to forget that children can be engaged with random things they find in the environment. They are curious and inquisitive. As their caregivers, it is our responsibility to cater to this curiosity and inquisitiveness. Now, how to go about this is the next question! Children love to take responsibility and they feel empowered and important when they are given chores to do. Here are some simple...


Diwali craft

An easy Diwali craft for your preschooler! The festival of lights is here! Diwali is one of the festivals celebrated by Indians across borders. It is that time of the year when families get together and make this occasion a memorable one! Children are always curious and wish to know the 'why' of everything. Now, how to explain the history behind a festival to a child in a neutral way is always a question! As we all know, Diwali is the celebration...
